The Inspiring Story of Veronica Mwende Mutinda


In the vibrant community of Kwa Reuben in Nairobi, we meet Veronica Mwende, a lady with a resilient entrepreneurial spirit. Born and raised in Kitui County, Veronica’s journey from a struggling non employed mother to a grocery store owner is sheer hard work. Her business, Veronica Mutinda Groceries, established in 2020, serves as a crucial resource for her neighborhood.

The Drive to Empower

Veronica’s motivation to start her own business stemmed from a deeply personal need. With a large family and a husband struggling to make ends meet, she decided to take charge of her own destiny.

I had a lot of children, and my husband was struggling. I decided to start something to empower myself,  she explains.

Seeing a market gap in her area, she seized the opportunity to create a source of income and provide for her family.

Challenges and Lessons Learned

Running a grocery business has not been without its challenges. Veronica has faced issues such as a lack of customers, produce such as vegetables spoiling, and difficulties paying rent. 

Additionally, adverse weather conditions often force her to close her shop, like the recent floods which affected the majority of the parts in the country. Despite these obstacles, she has gained valuable insights.

I have learned that as long as you put in the hard work and be friendly with people, and put the customers first, your business will thrive,  she says.

Veronica’s record-keeping helps her manage her business effectively. She keeps track of every item she buys and sells, ensuring she understands her profit margins.

Community Impact and Unique Selling Points

Veronica Mutinda Groceries has become an essential part of the Kwa Reuben community. As the only nearby vendor selling fresh vegetables, she plays a crucial role in meeting the community’s dietary needs. Her friendly demeanour, customer-first approach, and commitment to maintaining high-quality, clean products set her apart from others.

When schools are closed, that’s also when I make the most profits since children are home,” Veronica notes, highlighting how her business adapts to the rhythms of the community.

Future Aspirations

Looking ahead, Veronica dreams of expanding her business. She envisions adding more services such as selling cereals and offering M-Pesa services if she secures the necessary finances. Her ambition is driven by a desire not only to grow her business but also to offer more employment opportunities and better serve her community.

Her advice to aspiring entrepreneurs is simple yet profound:

Be patient and resilient. Learn from your mistakes and do better.

A Call for Support

Veronica’s story is also a call for community support. She encourages people to buy products from her and spread the word about her business. Additionally, she seeks financial assistance to increase her stock and expand her operations, which would further stabilise her business and benefit the community.


Veronica Mwende Mutinda’s journey is an inspiring narrative of determination, community service, and entrepreneurial success. From her humble beginnings in Kitui County to running a vital grocery store in Kwa Reuben, Nairobi County.

Support Veronica Mwende Mutinda

If you would like to support Veronica, whether by purchasing products or providing financial assistance to help expand her business, please contact her through the following:

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